How to Install Waterfox on Linux Mint 21/20

8 min readDec 25, 2022


Waterfox is a web browser that is designed for privacy and security. In the following tutorial, you will learn how to install Waterfox Browser on Linux Mint 21 or Linux Mint 20 release series using the command line terminal with tips about maintaining and removing the browser.

What is Waterfox Browser?

Waterfox Browser is a powerful open-source web browser designed for users who prioritize privacy and performance. Users can take advantage of features such as machine learning-powered translations from the Bergamot project, which is still in its early stages. Furthermore, Waterfox offers two versions: Classic and Current. The Classic version caters to legacy systems, while the Current version provides an up-to-date experience that works well with modern websites on newer systems. Consequently, users can rest assured that Waterfox Browser can meet their needs regardless of the capabilities of their computers.

Note about the Tutorial

The following tutorial was done with a Linux Mint 21 release, and example images were taken. Still, it was tested on Linux Mint 20 release. In the future, if Linux Mint makes any changes to break the tutorial for one of the distribution versions, please place a comment for me to investigate so I can update the tutorial.

Recommended Steps Before Installation

First, update your system to ensure all existing packages are up to date to avoid potential conflict issues during the installation.

First, update your system to ensure all existing packages are up to date.

sudo apt update

Optionally, you can list the updates for users who require review or are curious to see what is available to update. This can be good if you have a specific you forgot to place; use the apt-hold command.

sudo apt --list upgradable

Proceed to upgrade any outdated packages using the following command.

sudo apt upgrade

Import Waterfox Repository

Install Required Packages

The following dependencies will need to be installed to install Waterfox successfully. Most of these packages are already on your system, but running the command can help ensure they’re installed.

sudo apt install software-properties-common apt-transport-https curl -y

If you skip and encounter issues, return and just run the command.

Import Waterfox GPG Key

The next step is to import the GPG key to verify the authenticity of the packages. In your terminal, execute the following command to import to your keychain.

Import GPG key for Linux Mint 21.xx

curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/home_hawkeye116477_waterfox.gpg > /dev/null

Import GPG key for Linux Mint 20.xx

curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/home_hawkeye116477_waterfox.gpg > /dev/null

Import Waterfox Repository

Next, import the repository. Importing the correct repository as you did with the GPG key would be best, or you may encounter compatibility issues.

Import Repository for Linux Mint 21.xx

echo 'deb /' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/home:hawkeye116477:waterfox.list

Import Repository for Linux Mint 20.xx

echo 'deb /' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/home:hawkeye116477:waterfox.list

Now run an APT update to reflect the newly imported repository.

sudo apt-get update

Install Waterfox Browser

First, install some of the supported packages that ideally go with your installation; these are optional but recommended.

sudo apt install fonts-lyx ffmpeg -y

Install Waterfox Browser Current (G-4)

Now that the third-party repository is installed, you can begin installing the most current browser version with the following command.

sudo apt install waterfox-g-kpe -y

Alternatively, Waterfox has a classic version, which can also be installed alongside the modern version using the following command.

sudo apt install waterfox-classic-kpe -y

Launch Waterfox Browser

After the installation, you can run Waterfox by following the path.

Taskbar > Internet > Waterfox

Alternatively, if you cannot find it, use the search function in the Show Applications menu if you have many applications installed.


launch waterfox browser on linux mint 21 or 20

The first time you open Waterfox G (Modern), you will run a couple of first-time setup steps, such as using a light or dark theme. Once done, you will arrive at the browser screen, where you can begin surfing the web.

Example Waterfox G:

example of waterfox browser modern on linux mint 21 or 20

Users who installed the classic version only will notice a much more conservative lightweight browser. Older users and those with underpowered desktops would feel more comfortable using this browser.

What is Waterfox Browser?

Waterfox Browser is a powerful open-source web browser designed for users who prioritize privacy and performance. Users can take advantage of features such as machine learning-powered translations from the Bergamot project, which is still in its early stages. Furthermore, Waterfox offers two versions: Classic and Current. The Classic version caters to legacy systems, while the Current version provides an up-to-date experience that works well with modern websites on newer systems. Consequently, users can rest assured that Waterfox Browser can meet their needs regardless of the capabilities of their computers.

Note about the Tutorial

The following tutorial was done with a Linux Mint 21 release, and example images were taken. Still, it was tested on Linux Mint 20 release. In the future, if Linux Mint makes any changes to break the tutorial for one of the distribution versions, please place a comment for me to investigate so I can update the tutorial.

Recommended Steps Before Installation

First, update your system to ensure all existing packages are up to date to avoid potential conflict issues during the installation.

First, update your system to ensure all existing packages are up to date.

sudo apt update

Optionally, you can list the updates for users who require review or are curious to see what is available to update. This can be good if you have a specific you forgot to place; use the apt-hold command.

sudo apt --list upgradable

Proceed to upgrade any outdated packages using the following command.

sudo apt upgrade

Import Waterfox Repository

Install Required Packages

The following dependencies will need to be installed to install Waterfox successfully. Most of these packages are already on your system, but running the command can help ensure they’re installed.

sudo apt install software-properties-common apt-transport-https curl -y

If you skip and encounter issues, return and just run the command.

See also How to Install VirtualBox 7.0 on Linux Mint 21 LTS

Import Waterfox GPG Key

The next step is to import the GPG key to verify the authenticity of the packages. In your terminal, execute the following command to import to your keychain.

Import GPG key for Linux Mint 21.xx

curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/home_hawkeye116477_waterfox.gpg > /dev/null

Import GPG key for Linux Mint 20.xx

curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/home_hawkeye116477_waterfox.gpg > /dev/null

Import Waterfox Repository

Next, import the repository. Importing the correct repository as you did with the GPG key would be best, or you may encounter compatibility issues.

Import Repository for Linux Mint 21.xx

echo 'deb /' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/home:hawkeye116477:waterfox.list

Import Repository for Linux Mint 20.xx

echo 'deb /' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/home:hawkeye116477:waterfox.list

Now run an APT update to reflect the newly imported repository.

sudo apt-get update

Install Waterfox Browser

First, install some of the supported packages that ideally go with your installation; these are optional but recommended.

sudo apt install fonts-lyx ffmpeg -y

Install Waterfox Browser Current (G-4)

Now that the third-party repository is installed, you can begin installing the most current browser version with the following command.

sudo apt install waterfox-g-kpe -y

Alternatively, Waterfox has a classic version, which can also be installed alongside the modern version using the following command.

sudo apt install waterfox-classic-kpe -y

Launch Waterfox Browser

After the installation, you can run Waterfox by following the path.

Taskbar > Internet > Waterfox

Alternatively, if you cannot find it, use the search function in the Show Applications menu if you have many applications installed.


launch waterfox browser on linux mint 21 or 20

The first time you open Waterfox G (Modern), you will run a couple of first-time setup steps, such as using a light or dark theme. Once done, you will arrive at the browser screen, where you can begin surfing the web.

Example Waterfox G:

example of waterfox browser modern on linux mint 21 or 20

Users who installed the classic version only will notice a much more conservative lightweight browser. Older users and those with underpowered desktops would feel more comfortable using this browser.

See also How to Install VLC Media Player on Linux Mint 21 LTS

Example Waterfox Classic:

example waterfox classic browser on linux mint 21 or 20

Congratulations, you have successfully installed Waterfox Browser on your desktop.

Additional Commands & Tips

Update Waterfox Browser

Run the APT update in your terminal, as you would check your entire system for any updates.

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

You installed Waterfox using the APT package manager, so you can easily keep the binary up-to-date along with the rest of your system packages.

Remove (Uninstall) Waterfox Browser

Users no longer interested in having Waterfox installed, use the command to remove the browser that matches your installation.

Remove the Waterfox Current (G) browser using the following command.

sudo apt autoremove waterfox-g-kpe

Remove the Waterfox Current Classic browser using the following command.

sudo apt autoremove waterfox-classic-kpe

Ideally, you will also want to remove the repository and gpg key.

sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/home:hawkeye116477:waterfox.list \

sudo rm /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/home_hawkeye116477_waterfox.gpg

Comments and Conclusion

The tutorial demonstrated how to install Waterfox modern and classic browsers on your Linux Mint desktop using cli commands by importing a third-party repository and installing the browser directly from it.

Example Waterfox Classic:

example waterfox classic browser on linux mint 21 or 20

Congratulations, you have successfully installed Waterfox Browser on your desktop.

Additional Commands & Tips

Update Waterfox Browser

Run the APT update in your terminal, as you would check your entire system for any updates.

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

You installed Waterfox using the APT package manager, so you can easily keep the binary up-to-date along with the rest of your system packages.

Remove (Uninstall) Waterfox Browser

Users no longer interested in having Waterfox installed, use the command to remove the browser that matches your installation.

Remove the Waterfox Current (G) browser using the following command.

sudo apt autoremove waterfox-g-kpe

Remove the Waterfox Current Classic browser using the following command.

sudo apt autoremove waterfox-classic-kpe

Ideally, you will also want to remove the repository and gpg key.

sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/home:hawkeye116477:waterfox.list \

sudo rm /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/home_hawkeye116477_waterfox.gpg

Comments and Conclusion

The tutorial demonstrated how to install Waterfox modern and classic browsers on your Linux Mint desktop using cli commands by importing a third-party repository and installing the browser directly from it.




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